I’m going to start building the catalog of media I have for my Cirrus Drive Life campaign by taking time today to get some photos and video of the neighborhoods and pertinent areas.

I have become much better with video in the last couple of months. By better I mean more consistent. Quality wise, and interest wise, I have a ways to go. But I’ll get there. This morning I’m helping load up some beds for the Relief Society at 10am. I forgot to reach out to the Elder’s Quorum for help so I’ll be doing that this morning, and praying for a little miracle that a couple of them respond.

At 3pm the missionaries are having a discussion with *** at our house. I’m worried I’ll forget that, so I need to make it stick in my brain.

Yesterday was a nice day. I made it to the temple, got some work done in the office. and got the door hangers to *** for delivery. After that I went on a walk with Sienna, picked up some domino’s pizza for dinner, and took a couple to the *** family as well. *** is having some pretty concerning health issues. I imagine they are pretty stressed out,

I have very high hopes for business this year, and I have put in a lot of time getting my website to a good place. I have also developed a good pattern for getting myself out there on social media consistently. I’m very happy about that.

But now I feel like I need to increase my efforts even more. I want to close two sales a month (+ 1) in 2025. My goal is 25 in 25. The year has started off with some good prospects, but I feel like more needs to be happening if I’m going to reach my goal. I’ve thought of making lists of non-owner occupied houses and calling the owners to see if they are ready to off-load their properties. I should do some searches to see some other creative, old school ways to get business. My challenge is having personal contact with people I don’t know in order to win business. That’s a difficult prospect. But if I’m going to defy gravity in 2025, it’s going to mean getting over my biggest hang-ups.

Come Follow Me

I’m not sure it’s fair that I write under the heading Come Follow Me when I continue to write about what I read in the Book of Mormon, but I’m sure there’s not someone policing it either. Most likely no one even reads it, besides me. 🙂

I read in the chapters of 27,28, and 29 of 2nd Nephi today. What stood out to me was a section of verses that had very much to do with what I was thinking about before I started reading. I love when that happens.

The section was verses 7 and 8 of chapter 28. These verses describe 2 types of people. The first type are people who do not consider God in their daily lives. At least not in a way where their recognition leads to a certain pattern of life. They eat, drink, and are merry while they have the power to do so.

The second group is a collection of people that acknowledge God and the standards He puts forth. They recognize that they may not be living up to those standards, but prioritize their worldly pleasures (up to a point) before what God wants. They recognize they are not living up to his ideal, but trust that He will still accept them after some sort of just punishment is handed out.

I’m ashamed to acknowledge this, but I see myself in my own description of that second group. Yesterday I went to the temple in the morning. The day started well. By the end of the night I was watching television, and a show which entertained my mind but did nothing to remind me of anything that was virtuous, praiseworthy, or of good report. If the show had any affect on my mind it would have been to point it in directions away from Heavenly Father. At best it was frivolous. At worst it was harmful to my spirit. But I justified it by saying “It’s not that bad'”, “I’m tired and just need something mindless for a few minutes”, or it’s “no big deal.”

All of that sounds disturbingly close to “Eat, drink, and be merry – nevertheless fear God.” or, in other words, remember him when you can, and don’t do anything too bad, and he’ll forgive you for the small stuff in the end. This attitude misses the point. It’s not about punishment, rules, or anything else like that. It’s about loving God, and honoring Him in a way where we take care of ourselves, his offspring. Where we put far away from ourselves anything that would interfere with us being encircled in his embrace. It’s not that he’ll punish us a little and then welcome us in, it’s avoiding anything that will fill us with shame when we see Him or He sees us. It’s not about degrees of sin, or justification, or forgiveness as much as it’s about giving Him 100% of our hearts. If we give Him 100% percent of our hearts, everything else will take care of itself.