I have 1000 trifold flyers that I’m delivering to the neighborhoods of Cirrus Drive, one of which is mine. For many people this probably wouldn’t seem like a monumental occasion, but for me it’s a big deal.

My phrase for the year is ‘defy gravity’. Cheesy? Maybe. But my mind has always been so caught up in self-consiousness that it comes up with a million excuses not to do things. 2025 is the year I break through my own mental handicaps and fears. So this is the start of something big for me.

Yesterday was a pleasant church day. Church itself was nice, met with some people to organize how people are cared for in our ward, and had some friends over to get some use out of our indoor electric marshmallow roaster.

*** is still in the hospital. He ended up needing a transfusion. I can’t imagine how worried *** is feeling. I wish there was more I could do for her, and them.

Come follow Me

This week we are studying section 1 of the Doctrine & Covenants. As I read it this morning a part that stood out to me was verses 15 and 16.

“for they have strayed from mine ordinances, and have broken mine everlasting covenant;

They seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness, but every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god…”

I read this and question myself. Do I walk in the image of my own god? what does it mean to stray from gods ordinances?

We strive to know god, but how do we know that we know. Do I read a list of attributes of god, and then relate what I believe are the traits, habits etc of these attributes to what God must be like?

Of course I do. How could a person do otherwise? This is why eventually something has to go beyond just the mental image we have of God. We must be touched by divinity and be shown, to some degree, what God is like. To have that we must be willing to let go of what we think we know.