Today we hope for the best.
There are times when the ripples of the past intersect the ripples of the future to create a larger crest. It’s from here we see that we will never again have things the way they are. Today is one of those days.
We go back to the hospital for a battery of tests to see what progress has been made. I didn’t expect to feel so “on edge” about it as I apparently do. It’s one of those things that causes on underlying stress, not a full blown, loading the car for a vacation kind of stress.
Christmas day was fantastic. Jaidyn and Kaleb came from his parents house to open presents with us.
The rest of the day, for me, was spent lounging, reading, and doing very little. This morning we woke up normally and got ready to make it to the hospital by 7:30am. We’ll go back at 11:00 am for another scan and then meet with doctor sometime close to 3pm. Tonight we’ll take everyone to sushi in Boise. And if we have the energy, we will hit the lights at Indian Creek one more time.