It seems like there is a cycle, in my life at least, of bursts of effort, intent, and creativity, followed by somewhat mindless routine. I don’t want to break that cycle, but I want to lengthen the periods of meaning and shrink the periods of routine.

There is a false sense of productivity in being busy, or on the go. I believe it’s possible to have more affect sometimes by slowing down and being smarter about what I’m doing. So I’m going to try and go deeper today. To push past the surface of the things I am doing and be more thoughtful, which I hope will bring more meaning, and more influence on the world around me.

This morning I’m going to spend some time working on a church lesson that I will be leading.

I’m still waiting on word from the appraisal on the Hughes house. I don’t know what to expect from that whole process.

I have time today to connect with people. I need to make the most out of that time.

Come Follow Me

I was doing too much for Come Follow Me, so I decided to focus on my lesson for Elder’s Quorum.

Bro. Homer starts his talk speaking about Louisa Pratt. Fascinating person. Addison, her husband, had left for a mission in 1843. In 46 she left Nauvoo, a few weeks after the temple was dedicated, and landed in winter Quarters eventually. Then she left winter quarters in 48. She had her own plan to put her money towards visiting her parents in Canada and then booking passage on a ship to the California Coast, but she decided to ask Brigham what he thought she should do, and he told her to “come on. The ox team salvation is the safest way”. She made the choice to follow his advice, and sold what she could sell and leave behind what she didn’t need.