After ending 2 1/2 years serving weekly at the Meridian Temple, it was easy to fill my time with other things. This was the second Thursday in a row I came on my own, and I think I’ll make Thursday attendance a regular thing.

I miss the baptistry, and coming with Jenn. It’s more challenging making a time for us to come together, but that means we just need to make a little more effort.

Our first Elder’s Quorum Activity outside of Sunday church was last night. It was really fun. It was well attended, and the men who came made some friendships, or strengthened ones that already existed.

Today, I have some various marketing things to do. I need the marketing activities to translate into some business soon.

Come Follow Me

The verse that stuck out to me in my reading wasn’t actually from the Come Follow Me reading, but it’s related. I read in the Book of Mormon a verse from 2 NE chapter 27 that states in the last days pretty much all the world is “drunken with iniquity and all manner of abominations.” It causes me to wonder how I fall into that statement. We are “drunken”, which means we don’t even realize what state we are in. How does one “sober up” from that? If the cloud that hangs over us is thick with darkness, what will blow the cloud away? But we would see the cloud, and recognize it. “Drunken” is such a significant and meaningful adjective.