Specifically, I wait for a local well and plumbing company to verify if they are going to inspect a well today for a buyer client from out of state. It’s worse than trying to schedule the cable guy.

Every week seems to go by faster than the one before. The details that need to be remembered and tracked feel kind of overwhelming, but I have a lot of help, and feel grateful for that.

Sienna is almost finished with her EMT course. I’m so happy she stuck with it. She feels like she wants to go into nursing, which I think she would be very well suited for.

Kelsee is working on her wedding details. We need to put together a small list of addresses for people who didn’t sign up on her website.

We don’t hear from Caleb much. He’s finishing up his second year of grad school. I feel so happy he has made his goal a reality. He was able to do what I wasn’t. So cool.

And Jaidyn has her baby in about a month. I can’t wait to go see them.

The *** house listed last night. One showing that I know about today. I’m so curious to see how this goes.

I had a phone call with Jose last night. He doesn’t seem to be doing well living with his mother. I’m not sure what other options are available to him.

Overall, life seems to be about as abundant as I could possibly hope. The interesting thing is that there is room for so much more. I feel as though I have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. With God, all things are possible, and I no longer doubt that Heavenly Father wants to do something wonderful with my life, just as he wants to with everyone who is interested.