I’m doing a video for the Purdue listing today, and expect to have some fun with it. I haven’t been doing much with video lately. I want to get back to it.

Yesterday I spent time trying to line up the inspection for the Wert’s. we had our weekly office business meeting and home tours, then *** treated me to lunch with *** and himself. In the afternoon I nearly completed all of the paperwork for the ***.

Besides the video, and figuring out where the water heater resides in the Purdue house, the only other thing I feel pressing is getting the gift card from ‘The Still’ and picking a winner for the Cirrus Drive Life Facebook contest.

I’m sure there’s some other things that should be on my mind, but they aren’t coming.

Come Follow Me

I continue to notice passages in scripture that highlight the pursuit of wealth and money. While there are passages that describe seeking riches for the purpose of doing good, there seem to be many more that warn against letting money and the pursuit of it get in the way of following God.

Today, I read powerful verses in the Book of Helaman.

Nephi asks “How could you have forgotten your God…”

and then he answers his own question. “it is to get gain, and to be praised of men, yea, and that ye might get gold and silver. And ye have set your hearts upon riches and the vain things of the world, for which ye do murder, and plunder, and steal, and bear false witness against your neighbor, and do all manner of iniquity.”

I love the example of Abraham when there was strife between His herdman and Lot’s. first, he implored Lot that they should not fight because they were brethren.

Then, he suggested they put more space between them, and he let Lot choose the land he would go to. Abraham was not greedy. He worked to increase his resources, but he did not put that desire before God or family, or peace.

I can follow that example.